
ACMA is proud of the fact that our Members (Fellows) are considered to be the best of the best in the mortgage law industry, and they make a point of giving back to the industry. To maintain this high-level of excellence, fellowship in the Association is by nomination only.


To be considered for membership, a qualified lawyer must be nominated by an ACMA Fellow and must meet rigorous criteria.

Nominees must:

  • be licensed to practice in the highest court in their state, province, U.S. territory, or Mexico
  • be a distinguished practitioner in the law relating to real estate mortgage transactions
  • have distinguished themselves through their
    • bar association activities
    • lecturing
    • writing articles and/or program materials
    • drafting legislation or participating in the legislative process; or
    • writing briefs and/or arguing cases of significant precedent to mortgage transactions or parties involved therein
  • has been active for not less than five years in the practice of law representing on a regular basis (as outside counsel or staff counsel) for one or more parties involved with real estate lending transactions (or disputes arising therefrom) including, but not limited to, lenders, borrowers, title companies, and law schools with related curriculum, or institutional real estate mortgage lenders.

If you are interested in becoming an ACMA Fellow and do not have a nominator, please contact an ACMA Fellow within your state, province, U.S. territory or Mexico for further details. If you have questions about the nomination process, please contact

 For more information on the nomination process, please contact us at